Thursday, June 12, 2008


I just love abundance. I love the secure feeling of having lots of something, especially things like toilet paper and tape and batteries. Of course, having an abundance of some things, like say, debt, is not so fun, but in general, I love abundance. I'd like to try an abundance of cash sometime as well, I'm pretty sure that'd be fun.

But the type of abundance I really like these days is looking around at our family of 5. It just feels so much more satisfying than 4. Four never really felt like a lot of kids to me, but now with 5, it is a pleasant size little crowd of folks. An abundance of love, of kisses, of cute smiles, and big hugs. I just love having a lot of those.


Natalie said...

Olivia must be in heaven! That picture is so cute.

I love your abundant family.

Carole said...

Olivia looks like she enjoys having a little sister. How CUTE!! When you come into your abundant cash flow-- can we have some?? :)

Jenny J said...

That is a precious picture of your two girls...could you make me jealous??

Speaking of abundance...since you moved away and I can't personally see your new little abundance of pictures would be nice!

I mean, from every angle...sleeping, awake, crying, name it! I want to see it!!!

Miss you!