Friday, January 29, 2010

New Years Resolutions

Aren't you proud of me? It's the end of January, and I still remember them!

As an update, I made a resolution to try to complain as little as possible this pregnancy, regardless of how much it sucked. That is probably why I have done so little blogging...

Anyhow, I decided to make realistic, achievable goals for myself this year. I came up with 3. All of which I thought I could for sure accomplish by the end of March.

1. Get un-pregnant.
2. Lose 20 lbs.
3. Take down my Christmas decorations

I'm not so sure number 3 is going to make my deadline. I'll keep you posted as to the rest.

Approximately 3 weeks to go for the big day! (More or less, don't hold me to a date or I may get REALLY crabby)


Natalie said...

I can't believe you're so close!! Lucky you!! Can't wait to meet him.

Hildie said...

Not to brag, but I took my Christmas tree down yesterday.