Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sticky Rice and Housekeeping tips that would Mortify my mother

In the 12 plus years since we've had children, I have learned a thing or two that can only be learned by experience in regards to keeping house.

Today, we'll talk about rice.

First off, if you try to sweep the kitchen floor after a meal that includes rice, all you end up doing is smearing half the rice all over the floor, and sticking the other half of it to your broom.

So what has this taught me? It's best to wait to sweep until breakfast the next morning when the rice is now hard and crunchy on your floor. It sweeps up much easier. Heck, you can even vacuum it.

Yes, I know that would disgust Martha Stewart. But I do think she could respect my next discovery in regards to rice. Rice Krispies to be exact.

If you ever happen to run out of super glue, but you have some Rice Krispies in your cupboard, take comfort. You see, all you have to do is wet a dozen or so pieces of cereal in milk, sit them on the surface requiring adhesion, and let them dry for about an hour. I have never actually had to do this, but I know it will work because if I let a bowl of Rice Krispies sit on the counter for an hour before someone gets around to rinsing them out, it pretty much takes a chisel to pry those suckers off the bowl.

I guess that's where the term "Sticky Rice" must come from, right?


Natalie J said...

Lol. You are dead on with this. I let the rice dry over night too!

Britney said...

I agree 100% about leaving rice dinner on the floor over night. I don't think this is something we ever dreamed of when we pictured raising families... live and learn.

Financial Aid for College said...

Tiffany, you are sooo funny
Rice crispy glue, what a concept!