Wednesday, January 21, 2009


My new job at church is to teach the 16/17 year old Sunday School class. I have been at it for 3 weeks now, and they are all really stellar kids. I, however, feel the need to "build relationships of trust" with them. Maybe if we know each other a little better, there will be more discussion in class.

What luck! An invitation comes to help the seminary kids (including my class) prepare for the scripture mastery challenge by competing with them in a practice round on Friday Jan. 30. (For those who may not know, seminary as Mormons know it, is what all 9-12 grade students attend, usually BEFORE school every school day to study the scriptures- one book of scripture for each of the 4 years) Optimistically, I accept.

I somehow was under the delusion that they were studying Doctrine and Covenants this year, which I teach in Sunday School. I was of course, a whiz at D & C scriptures. (And I do mean, a GENIUS) What an opportunity to impress these youngsters! They will have new respect for me indeed! What a jolly good time we will have. (The name of my championship team the year I won BTW, was "The Burning Bosoms")

For those of you in the know of course, you know, that this year they are in New Testament. Naturally, these are the scripture mastery scriptures I know the LEAST. There are TWENTY FIVE of them. I have 9 days to prepare. Yeah, right. I began to doubt that I would come off so smart to them after all.

So, after hosting a baby shower last night, I woke this morning with renewed determination to study. Hmmm, I bet if I could download them onto my ipod, I could do laundry and listen to them all day! Great idea! I'll listen to them in the car, how great it will be for my children to hear them all day too! This will turn out splendidly.

I gather together my new, never asked for fancy-dancy ipod, and find a plug that fits. I google something obvious. A-ha! I am set. I hit "download". (can you tell I've never done this before?)

45 minutes later, I still cannot figure out how the ******* to get the dang stuff on to my stupid ipod. (Naturally, Jared is in very important meetings all I can't even have him walk me through it) I have now wasted almost an hour doing that, and another 30 minutes blogging about my frustration. Looks like it's going to be another highly productive day.

Did I really sign up for this humiliation!? I am feeling REALLY old, and out of touch! It's a miracle I can blog at all...

P.S. Please no smart aleck comments about how "super easy" it is to download ipod songs,okayeee?


Carole said...

I will not comment on the ipod ease... really I won't :)
I hope that you figured it out. If not.... you could do it the old fashioned way of 3x5 cards placed everywhere. Good luck with the Sunday School class. I taught the 13-14's for a year or so. All they were interested in was EACH OTHER :)

Financial Aid for College said...

I couldn't download (or upload) anything to/from my ipod if it grew lips and yelled directions at me. BUT, I do remember when I taught New Testament to the teens that we had a bunch of memory jogging cartoons that helped us learn them super fast and super easy. I'll go look in my files now. It's been 20 years, but they were amazing! Let you know

Natalie said...

I can't figure it out either. I've given up long ago (at least until I can get a fancy new computer).

Sounds like a fun calling!