Saturday, May 9, 2009

There's no such thing as a free lunch

I was just reading this and thinking.
If KFC can't provide enough chicken dinners for each person in the country to eat one meal, how can the government provide lifelong healthcare for free? Doesn't it seem logical that it too, would have to be rationed?


Financial Aid for College said...

Whatever made you thing "free" health care would be FREE? Darling, naive child, we will all pay in higher TAXES, that bottomless source of "free governmental services", such as war, highways, and Senators' lunches. At least a good chunk of those taxes will go for truly poor people (like me) and children, for which I am glad. I just don't think it should be available for people with an income of over $100,000.


Jennie sent me a whole batch of her State-Fair-prize-winning Cream Cheese Brownies to celebrate the day! There goes the 5 lb weight loss! But such an exquisite fall! Like Eve in the garden of Eden, they are delicious to the taste and very desirable!

Tiffster said...

That will give a lot of people reason to not make more than 100k..