Saturday, May 16, 2009

Date Night...interuppted

Friday night.
Jack and Spencer at friends.
Most favorite sitter hired.
Star Trek tickets in hand.
Phone call.
Ethan and Olivia decide to test 911.
It works.
Sitter in tears.
Date night over.


Natalie J said...

Oh, that sucks! But you had me laughing with the way you posted it. Hopefully you were able to reschedule!

Carole said...

OH... man.! We saw Star Trek Friday night. THANK GOODNESS Abby and Emily DID NOT decide to test the system. Bummer. GO see the movie-- it's really good. You should have asked the police if they could just hang out for a couple of hours, maybe even let the kids "try on" the hand cuffs (REALLY SCARE them). Life is FULL of funny stories and I'm glad you are adding to your collection :)

Financial Aid for College said...

What a tragic bummer! Ah, the trial-strewn life of parenthood! I hope the theater will give you new tickets, free. Great movie!

It was SOOO funny the way you wrote it, like meter-free, rhyme-free, hope-free poetry. Perhaps a double haiku.

Natalie said...

Hilarious!! What on earth were they doing trying 911?? On a date night no less? Too funny!