Thursday, April 9, 2009

A Worthy Young Padowan

As most of you are aware, we recently took a trip to California. It was delightful. As I don't have time to document our entire trip tonight, I thought I would (finally) tease with one of the highlights of our trip.
Disneyland now has a "Jedi Training Academy", and Ethan wanted in BIG TIME. After failure to be chosen the first day, and 2 hours of tears and pouting after that, we went back the second day resolved to be "the chosen one". There were 6 shows that day, and thankfully we only had to sit through 1 to get picked. (I think the sign definitely helped)
As you can see, Ethan survived his encounter with Darth Maul, who was for sure "more harder than Vadar" to beat. Good thing we had all that light saber practice at home...
Don't you just love 6 year old boys?


Carole said...

Looks like A LOT of fun. I can't wait to see more. I'm glad we got to see you and your family for a bit while you were in SoCal. It was great to catch up, meet the baby, look "up" at the boys, and hang out on the beach. Ethan looks great and I love that you made a sign to get him picked for the show. So creative and EFFECTIVE!!!

Natalie said...

That is the coolest thing ever. Alton will be soooo jealous!!