Saturday, March 7, 2009

No, I'm not dead.

Just boring. Every night as I lay in bed I think of these very clever posts I am going to type up and write, and then the next morning comes and my wit (assuming it was actually witty...) has left me completely. In fact, my mind is nothing but a blank canvas that is quickly splattered with that days to do list, and then weeks go by with nothing posted.
But the good news is, we did get an awesome new camera! So soon, (ahem) I can post some super cute pictures, sowing the seeds of resentment from my oldest 4 children about "How come you didn't take cute pictures of me, like these four hundred you took of Susannah?"
Just doing my part to keep counselors employed in our future economy.


Hildie said...

Sounds like you need to be blogging at night from your bed!

Tiffster said...

hmm, good idea. If I only had a laptop...Of course, I don't want Jared to get the idea he can bring a computer to bed...

Carole said...

Can't wait to see the new pictures from the new camera!! What did you get? I have a Nikon and LOVE IT! I hope you start thawing out soon. Spring WILL come. PROMISE!

Natalie said...

Ha ha! Sounds exactly like me.