Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Ladies Man

As it is a constant challenge to wake Ethan up for school everyday, I am always trying to come up with a motivating version of "Time to get up." Today's version came via email.
A girl named Maddie in Ethan's class is inviting Ethan to her birthday party at "Pizza Ranch" on Monday. Now, not only is this a birthday party, but a girls birthday party, at the very gender neutral, but testosterone leaning, Pizza Ranch. I wasn't sure what his response would be, but I was sure it would stir him from his slumber in an expedited manner.
I was correct.
"Ethan" I said. "Time to get up. I got an email from Maddie's mom today, and she invited you to go to her birthday party at Pizza Ranch."
Ethan promptly, if sleepily, sits up. Without hesitation he replied,
"Well, of course she did. She's in love with me."
Ladies Man has RSVP'd.


Hildie said...

Ah, he's going to breaking hearts young. Just you wait, he'll have two girls waiting for him on his mission.

Natalie J said...

Lol. What a cute kid!

Carole said...

Look at him! WOW he's so gorgeous (not that I would expect any less!!)

Natalie said...

What a stud!