Sunday, August 24, 2008

Happy Birthday to ME!

Jared had the kids all go to Walgreens and with $5 pick out presents for me. Pictured is what they thought I like the most. Hmmmm. Makes a person think.

Chocolate, candy, Coke (not even diet). Hot pads. Decorative items. And from Jared, (not from Walgreens) a scratched DVD/CD repair machine. (Evidently at the top of "My wife's deepest wish list") I did however, get a certificate for a new outfit of my choosing. Thanks to my thoughtful husband and family!


Natalie J said...

I really, really like your birthday presents. I want to come have a birthday there! Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

Carole said...

Happy Birthday-- make sure the new outfit comes with boots, coat, scarf, hat, pants, shirt, sweater, and earrings--socks too-- what the heck!!
You look fabulous by the way!

Natalie said...

Happy belated Birthday!!! I've been out of blogging land lately. Very thoughtful gifts.
I need one of those scratch!

Hildie said...

is it even candy that you like? or just that your kids like?

Tiffster said...

Oh, it's all stuff I like!