Monday, October 11, 2010

Dappled Apples!

For the first time since we moved to MN, we managed to get to the apple orchard!
I looooove going to pick apples. It just feels so "Fall-y". Not to mention, the apples make the BEST apple pie filling, which I make and freeze for later. I am very, very picky about my apple pie. If I'm going to blow 600 calories on a slice, it had better be up to snuff. So I make my own.

I would can my pie filling if I knew how. I keep hearing it's easy, but I can never bring myself to invest in the equipment to do it. The apple orchard manages to get a larger chunk of my cash than I always plan for to blow any more money on jars. Besides, if our power goes out here in the winter, I can stick it in the back yard to keep. Assuming it makes it past Christmas anyway.
So here are a few pics of our adventure! It even amazes me to see how big my own kids are getting, scary!
Even with the shadow, he looks cute!

Something about "Monkey's swingin' from a tree..." comes to mind...

I'm wondering if my lips have always looked crooked when I smile?

The biggest apples were up really high, so Jack had to help. I think this may be the last year he gets on his Dad's shoulders!
Olivia was happy to help as well.
Reed was just chillin'


Hildie said...

I'll bet you had cider and donuts too. Sigh.

Natalie said...

Spencer looks like a teenager. what happened? And that little Reed....sooo cute! He looks a bit like Ethan. Fun fun!

Financial Aid for College said...

I can't believe that cute teenage boy is your SON!!! I thought, "I don't remember Jack being that thin. Wait, that CAN'T be Spencer! What a hottie"

And who would notice on a gorgeous woman that her smile was crooked, except herself - with calipers.