Thursday, May 6, 2010

Random Thoughts

1. Is it okay to let your kids have Top Ramen for breakfast? I couldn't come with a good reason not to. I made them have a banana and milk with it, just in case.

2. If you're going to plop your almost 2 year old in front of sign language videos, it would be helpful to watch them yourself a few times, so that when they are frantically signing at you in Target you know what they're talking about. Mental note.

3. I should never, ever go into Target with money in my paypal account without a destination. Destination: Target.


Stefany said...

You've got to read my sister-in-law's blog post regarding Target from yesterday. What a coincidence!

Natalie said...

HA! I've given my kids burritos for breakfast...and not the breakfast kind. Why not?