Thursday, May 22, 2008

Another broken "promise"

I apologize for not posting a picture. Long story, I couldn't find the electronic device necessary to connect my camera to the computer.

I had intended to do a lot of things today. For example, post a picture of me all glowing and perfectly coiffed as we arrived at the hospital to deliver baby #5! Next I intended to post a picture of aforementioned baby NEXT to that picture. Alas, the "on again, off again" thing with this pregnancy continues....

The good news is, she appears to be healthy, and unlike 24 hours ago, head DOWN in the launch position. Bad news, she failed her amnio and her lungs are not developed enough to deliver, even if I am 38 1/2 weeks. Also, I now get to call pretty much everyone I've ever met and tell them, uh, no, we HAVEN'T "had that baby yet", all those appointments etc. I canceled today and tomorrow, even some next week, they're back ON again. In fact, I may go all the way to June 2nd now, even if MIL leaves on June 5th.

SOOOOO, in the spirit of gratitude, here is a list of things to be GLAD about today:

1. She appears to be healthy, just not fully cooked. (My womb is no convection oven)
2. Jared got the day off.
3. Someone else is still bringing dinner.
4. I got to go to a 'kid free' lunch with Jared.
5. I got to forget my diabetes rules last night and this morning and gorge on glorious, non- complex carbs.
6. I am using my MIL as a babysitter this weekend so I can go to a hotel with Jared and do NOTHING but relax.
6. My regular Dr. will be back in town for the delivery. (We think....)
7. After months of not, I found the motivation to shave my legs this morning.
8. I can finish the basement before she gets here



Carole said...

Love the gratitude points!! How nice for you to score a weekend at a hotel with Jared and less stress. I'm glad she's healthy! Wishing you the best over the next couple of weeks. I'm sure you'll post the pictures and NAME of the new Damiano SOON! Love ya! Hey-- ask Jared if he had anything to do with the shrinking carton of ice cream :)Did they think we wouldn't notice? :)

Tiffster said...

Don't even get me STARTED on the container size!!! He keeps reminding me that they are actually the last of their competitors to shrink to size (they are the same weight, different shape as Breyers) Also, they say "market studies" show that most people think they won't eat a whole big container and prefer the small (ie small cans of coke now) Of course, the real issue is, dairy costs have been rising for over a year and it's easier to down size size than up size price. Whatever. At least we get a lot of it for free...Or we'd be eating less of it ourselves.

Natalie J said...

Finish your basement? How in the world would ou find enough energy to do that? You amaze me. I am glad to hear that she is healthy, even if a little under-cooked. Can't wait to see pics.